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Marty Hamilton

Hybrid Appraisals

It’s just one of those facts of life that things change. It’s definitely no different for appraisers; we have to get used to the idea of alternative approaches to valuations. Recently, our very own Chief Appraiser, Jared Preisler, SRA, spoke about hybrid appraisals at the National Association of Appraisers conference in Nashville. If you missed it, check out this presentation.

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Best Appraisal Blogs of the Year (So Far)

It seems like most days are the same: I wake up and get into the routine I’ve been honing over my life. Every once in a while, I find something that makes me think differently and gives me the kick in the pants I need to break out of my shell. And most of the time it’s thoughtful people who’ve written thought-provoking articles.

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